GR1 Men

While church men’s ministries tend to be among the most difficult to find engagement online, there are many creators we can learn from who have found success in the space.

Men’s Ministry

Social Media Goals


We should create motivating content that encourages men to grow.


We should provide men with resources and guidance as they grow in their faith.


We should build a supportive community that fosters fellowship and connection.

Men’s Ministry

Online Creators

Jason Vallotton


Jason is the director of Bethel’s men’s discipleship program. He routinely posts well-designed content on developing as a man of god, quotes from himself and others, clips from his podcast, and advice for other men. His posts are well executed and get consistent engagement.




Gateway Men


Gateway’s men’s ministry page is a great example of a church men’s ministry that is finding engagement online. Their content consists of sermon snippets, clips from past events, notable quotables, and videos from their church staff and leadership.




Lou Engle


Lou Engle is an American Christian minister and evangelist known in charismatic churches. Most of his content is talking head videos of mini sermons, but he also posts small motivational quotes in reel format that receive consistent engagement.




Men’s Ministry

Content Suggestions

Motivational Quotes

Motivational quotes that are directly applicable and practical for Christian men can engage very well.

Notable Quotables

Mocking up quotes from various men in ministry (as well as recent guest speakers) is an easy way to develop men of God online.


Well-told testimonies always push the needle online. We should be gathering and sharing stories from men often.


Collaborating with Pastor Tim, Pastors Sam and Brenda, or even recent guest speakers can help introduce our content to those outside of our immediate circles.

Event Photos

No event should go un-photographed! Event photos almost always drive consistent engagement, especially if we can tag men in the photos.

Upcoming Events

While promotion is always necessary, advertising events (even great ones) almost always drive down engagement. This should be done carefully and sparingly.

Men’s Ministry

Post Schedule

Best Days

Mondays and Wednesdays

According to online trends, the best days to post on Instagram for maximum views and engagement are Mondays and Wednesdays.

Best Time

11 am

According to online trends, the best time to post on Instagram for maximum views and engagement is 11 in the morning.

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